UNIT 14: Wonders of the world

UNIT 14: Wonders of the world




Từ mới

Phân loại

Phiên âm

Định nghĩa





bãi đá


the pyramid


/ðə/ /ˈpɪrəmɪd/

kim tự tháp


great barrier reef


/ɡreɪt/ /ˈbæriə(r)/ /riːf/

Rạn san hô barrier reef


Hue citadel



cố đô Huế


Coconut Palm


/ˈkəʊkənʌt/ /pɑːm/

cây dừa





bơi với ống thở


Hanging Gardens of Babylon


/ˈhæŋɪŋ/ /ˈɡɑːdn/ /əv/

vườn treo babylon


ancient Greek


/ˈeɪnʃənt/ /ɡriːk/

Hy Lạp cổ đại





Ai Cập










tín đồ đạo Phật





tôn giáo





vây quanh





ngoạn mục





hội nghị thượng đỉnh



1. Passive forms:

- Present simple: am / is / are + pp

E.g: This room is cleaned everyday by my mother.

- Present progressive: am / is / are + being + pp

E.g: A new swimming pool is being built (by them)

- Present perfect: have / has + been + pp

E.g: Oil has been discovered at the North Pole.

- Past simple: was / were + pp

E.g: On our way home we were stopped by the police.

- Past perfect: had + been + pp

E.g: All the documents had been destroyed when we arrived.

- Past progressive: was / were + being + pp

E.g: Dinner was being cooked at that time.

2. Indirect questions with if and whether:

Chúng ta có thể sử dụng "if" hoặc "whether" để báo cáo các câu hỏi gián tiếp có câu trả lời "có" hoặc "không" và câu hỏi có chứa "hoặc". Tuy nhiên, "if" thường được sử dụng phổ biến hơn "whether"

E.g: Call the bakeries around town and find out if any of them sell raspberry pies.

Chúng ta thường sử dụng “whether” trong ngữ cảnh trang trọng hơn

E.g: The teachers will be asked whether they would recommend the book to their classes.

3. Question words before to – infinitives:

a) Cách dùng:

- Trong một số trường hợp, chúng ta có thể dùng “wh-word + to – infinitive” như “what to do”, “where to go” … có vai trò là tân ngữ cho một số động từ, nhằm biểu thị một tình huống không chắc chắn hay khó đưa ra quyết định, phán đoán.

- Cấu trúc này có ý nghĩa và chức năng tương đương với mệnh đề bắt đầu bằng các từ để hỏi có chứa các động từ khiếm khuyết như: should, can, could, would.

E.g: I don’t know what I should wear.

=> I don’t know what to wear.

“what I should wear” và “what to wear” đều đóng vai trò làm tân bổ ngữ cho động từ “know” thể hiện một tình huống khó đưa ra quyết định “không biết nên mặc gì”

b) Cấu trúc: S + V + (O) + wh – word + to – infinitive (+…)

- Trong đó, V sẽ là: “ask / wonder / (not) be sure / have no idea / (not) know / (not) decide / (not) tell”.

E.g: I have no idea where to get information.

c) Notes (lưu ý):

Không dùng “why + to – infinitive”

E.g: I can’t understand why to do it. X

4. Verb + to – infinitive

Một số động từ có thể được theo sau ngay lập tức bởi một mệnh đề bổ nghĩa bằng cách sử dụng "to-infinitive": afford, demand, like, pretend, agree, fail, love, promise, arrange,…

E.g: Nam promises to give book to An.

III. BÀI TẬP ÁP DỤNG (Exercise):

Exercise 1: Complete the sentences. Use the passive form of the verbs in the box:

construct           reach            present             complete            design


a) Sydney Opera House was completed in 1973.

b) The first and longest section of the Great Wall of China ________ between 221 and 204 BC.

c) The Eiffel Tower______ by the French civil engineer Alexander Gustave Eiffel for the Paris World’s Fair of 1889.

d) The Statue of Liberty_______ to the United States by France in 1876.

e) The summit of Mount Everest ________  by two members of a British expedition and a Nepalese guide on May 29, 1953.

Exercise 2: Yesterday, Nga and Nhi talked about My Son, one of the World Cultural Heritages of Viet Nam. Report the questions Nhi asked Nga.

a) Do you know My Son, Nga?

=> Nhi asked Nga if she knew My Son or Nhi asked Nga whether she knew My Son.

b) Is it far from Ha Noi?

=> _________________________________________________________.

c) Is My Son in Quang Nam province?

=> _________________________________________________________.

d) Do many people live at My Son?

=> _________________________________________________________.

e) Do many tourists visit My Son every vear?

=> _________________________________________________________.

f) Do you want to visit My Son one day?

=> _________________________________________________________.

Exercise 3: Nga answered Nhi’s questions. She then gave Nhi some additional information. Use the words to write about the information that Nga gave to Nhi.

a) tell / how / go there

à Nga told Nhi how to go there.

b) show / where / get tickets

=> _________________________________________________________.

c) point out / where / buy souvenirs

=>  _________________________________________________________.

d) advise how / go from My Son to Hoi An

=> _________________________________________________________.

e) tell / what / do there during the visit  

=> _________________________________________________________.

Exercise 4: Complete the passage. Use either the to-infinitive or the bare infinitive form of the verbs in brackets.

Nhi and her parents are visiting Hoi An and My Son. They are staying at a hotel near Cua Dai. Early this morning, Nhi decided (0) to go (go) for a run. She left the hotel and started (1)_____ (jog) in the direction of Cua Dai beach. She thought she mieht (2)______ (go) along the beach for 20 minutes before heading for the hotel. Unfortunately, after 10 minutes, dark clouds began (3)_____ (gather) and it started (4)_______ (rain). Nhi tried (5)_____ (reach) a shelter, but within a few seconds she was completely wet. So she decided (6)_____ (continue) her run because she couldn’t (7) ________ (get) wetter!







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